Canadian in Candia

July 18, 2009

In-laws Garden – July Edition

Filed under: Flowers — Tags: , — Miriam @ 9:00 am

So while I’m in Vermont helping out my nutty husband and Ben is home alone probably having a massive party, I figured I would fill the computer screen with pictures of flowers found in my in-laws’ garden during the month of July. I seriously don’t know why most of her stuff is flourishing while my garden is languishing. I think I have to add a lot more manure into the mix so that I have a richer soil or something.

Without further ado:

In-Laws Garden
Lilies – I used to think of these as Tiger Lilies when I was a kid. Probably because they were black and orange?

In-Laws Garden
Petunias still surviving the summer heat.

In-Laws Garden
I really should ask my mother In-Law to write down the names of the flowers she grows, she has a head for that kind of thing. But these flowers were just the most beautiful iridescent purplish blue .

In-Laws Garden

In-Laws Garden
Maybe it’s a sign that I was too much of a tomboy growing up that I don’t know flower names beyond Petunia, Morning Glory, Rose, Carnation, Tulip, Forget-me-nots, and Impatients?

In-Laws Garden

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